Become a Waka Toa Ora signatory

We welcome your interest in becoming a signatory member to the Waka Toa Ora Charter.

Join Waka Toa Ora to become part of a network of organisations and groups committed to improving the health and wellbeing of the people and whenua/land in the Canterbury region.

Becoming a Waka Toa Ora signatory is easy:

  1. Read, understand and agree to the Waka Toa Ora Charter; and
  2. Complete and submit the online New Signatories Form. This includes agreeing not to use Waka Toa Ora for private business or personal gain.

Your organisation's application will be considered by the Waka Toa Ora Advisory Group. They will take into account whether your organisation:

  • engages in and promotes legal activities;
  • contributes positively to health and wellbeing in Canterbury; and
  • has a mission consistent with the Waka Toa Ora Charter.

You will be informed of the Waka Toa Ora Advisory Group’s decision. All confirmed signatories will:

  • receive weekly newsletters and regular updates from Waka Toa Ora;
  • have brief information about their organisation (including key contact details) listed on the Waka Toa Ora website; and
  • be invited to take part in Waka Toa Ora events and activities. This includes lunchtime seminars, signatories' hui, collaborative projects, workshops and training opportunities.