Satisfaction with Leisure Time

This measure relates to:
Te OrangaToiora
"“There is a local sports centre and pool close by and any number of community activities at local community centres. Spoiled for choice really, wish I had more time in my day to do more.”"  [City Health Profile participant]

Information not available to update this issues paper so is dicontinued.

Leisure is time when people can do what they want, away from work and other commitments.  It provides an opportunity to rest and regain balance in life, and allows growth and development on both the personal and social levels.

The 2008 Quality of Life Survey found that over 70% of Christchurch people were either satisfied or very satisfied with their leisure time.  Māori were significantly more likely to report that they were dissatisfied or very dissatisfied with their leisure time than the Christchurch population as a whole (19.2% compared to 7.7%).  Nationally, people aged 25-34 and 35-44 years were slightly less satisfied with their leisure time than New Zealanders overall, possibly due to larger work and family commitments.

Read the full issue summary for leisure time satisfaction [PDF].

"I have an active lifestyle, Christchurch is great for outdoor opportunities. The provision of mountain bike tracks on the Port Hills, good surf breaks walking tracks and access to the Southern Alps is great. I find that there is good access to physio and other rehabilitation services in Christchurch to help recovery from injuries. "  [City Health Profile participant]