
Bottles of wine on shelves in a bottle-store.Alcohol is the most commonly used recreational drug in New Zealand and it is widely accepted that drinking it can lead to a number of health and social problems.[1]

Read the City Health Profile issue paper on alcohol in Christchurch.

Find out more about the incidence and impacts of alcohol-related harm.

The Healthy Christchurch Champions agreed they wanted to use their collective influence to reduce the impact of alcohol-related harm in our city in October 2008. Their vision is for Christchurch to be a world leader in changing our current harmful drinking culture.

The Healthy Christchurch Champions' Statement of Intent on Alcohol [PDF] supports the development of key strategies to reduce alcohol-related harm across Canterbury.

Alcohol law reforms in New Zealand resulted in the Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012. This Act granted powers to local councils to reduce alcohol-related harm in their regions via Local Alcohol Policies (LAPs).[2]

Find more about the Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012.

Consequently, a number of organisations have been working in partnership to develop Local Alcohol Policies (LAPs) and improve coordination of services. However LAPs remain limited and a significant percentage of Cantabrians still experience the impact of alcohol-related harm 4 years on.[3]

Find out about the Local Alcohol Policies in the Canterbury region.

The Canterbury DHB, Christchurch City Council and NZ Police are currently working together to develop an overarching Christchurch Alcohol Action Plan (CAAP) . This will compliment work completed via the LAPs and also align with the Canterbury DHB-led Health System Strategy to reduce Alcohol-related Harm is being developed at the same time.

The support of Healthy Christchurch in development of these alcohol strategies further fulfils the Champion’s Statement of Intent and will ensure Christchurch remains a healthy, vibrant and liveable city for generations to come.

Find out more about local developments to reduce alcohol-related harm.

Get information on useful resources on alcohol and alcohol-related harm.

[1] Ministry of Health. 2015. Alcohol Use 2012/13: New Zealand Health Survey. Wellington: Ministry of Health. Retrieved from:

[2] Ministry of Justice. 2012. Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012. Retrieved from:

[3] Jackson, N. 2016. A review of Territorial Authority progress towards Local Alcohol Policy development. Auckland: Alcohol Healthwatch. Retrieved from: